esen Laboratorio de Ecofisiología de Ecosistemas Terrestres


“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and it is the torch that illuminates the world.”

Louis Pasteur


[17] Anderson C.M., Mattoon E., Zhang N., Becker E., McHargue W., Yang J., Patel D., Dautermann O., McAdam S.A.M, Tarin T., Pathak S., Avenson T.J., Berry J., Braud M., Niyogi M., Wilson M., Nusinow D., Vargas R., Czymmek K., Eveland A., Zhang R. High Light and High Temperature Reduce Photosynthesis via Different Mechanisms in the C4 Model Setaria viridis. Communications Biology; 4:1092 (

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